About Us

Stratford-upon-Avon in Bloom is a dedicated group of volunteers.

The Committee was first formed in the 1970s and works with local authorities, local businesses and residents to enhance the beauty of Stratford-upon-Avon through floral features and gardens, both public and private.



Committee Members

  • Cohl Warren-Howles - Chair
  • Cllr Jenny Fradgley - Stratford Town Council & Vice Chair
  • Charles Bates - Treasurer
  • Sue England - Secretary
  • Cllr Iain Duck - Stratford Town Council
  • Cllr Jason Fotjik - Mayor & Honorary President
  • Judith Conroy
  • Alan McGregor - Plantscape/Planting Contractor (non-voting)
  • Craig Bourne - Stratford-on-Avon District Council (non-voting)


Corporate Status

Stratford-upon-Avon in Bloom Ltd (hereinafter 'SiB') is a Registered Company Limited by Guarantee with the Registered Company Number 9321530. It is an independent community group, known colloquially as 'Stratford in Bloom', acting in cooperation with Stratford-on-Avon District Council (hereinafter 'SDC'). The company has a board of four directors who take instructions from the elected committee.


The objectives of SiB shall be:

  1. To enhance and improve the visual attraction of Stratford-upon-Avon by encouraging the cultivation of plants and flowers in gardens.
  2. To encourage businesses to improve the working environment by the addition of floral displays and sustainable planting in the precincts of their premises.
  3. To promote communal engagement with horticultural activities and projects within its locality.
  4. To offer advice and support to residents, schools, community groups and businesses in relation to their development of floral display.
  5. To develop an annual programme of public floral display in areas identified and facilitated for SiB responsibility by SDC.
  6. The public floral display areas identified in 2.e) will hereinafter be referred to as the SiB Floral Display Assets.
  7. To encourage schools to engage with SiB and hence to contribute to the education of young people in the town in an appreciation of their natural environment.
  8. To promote wider understanding of related environmental and conservation aspects.
  9. Develop public awareness of SiB and the benefits thereof.


All activities undertaken by SiB are designed to promote fulfilment of the above Objectives and include:

  1. Organising and managing the annual SiB Local Floral Competition for residents and businesses of the town.
  2. Involving local schools and nurseries in the SiB Local Floral Competition in ways that link to the appropriate areas of the National Curriculum.
  3. Seeking sponsorship from local businesses or individuals for the SiB Floral Display Assets.
  4. When deemed appropriate by SiB, to aid and manage entry into the annual RHS 'Heart of England in Bloom' competition.
  5. Holding of special functions to promote the competitions in 3.a) and 3.d) and to inform and educate attendees, including, but not exclusively, a SiB Coffee Morning in spring and the Presentation Evening in autumn.
  6. Taking any other suitable opportunity for the furtherance of the Objectives.


This Constitution was updated by the Committee on 8th January 2021.